Thursday, August 29, 2013

Osteoporosis: Finding the Answers

Bone is a live tissue and constantly regenerating or degenerating!

More than 10 million people in the United States, most of them women, suffer from osteoporosis, a debilitating bone disease in which the bones become porous and fragile and may then break.  

While osteoporosis is most common in women after menopause, elderly men are also affected.
Osteoporosis has no early symptoms, and it is not usually diagnosed until after age 50 and after a fracture occurs.  Because the symptoms -- stooped posture, brittle bones, pain with movement -- are considered by many as simply the result of aging, the majority of people with osteoporosis don't know they suffer from the disease.

Early diagnosis is still the best tool for preventing and treating osteoporosis. To determine if you have osteoporosis, your doctor may arrange for you to have a bone density test measurement scan. Bone density measurements are helpful in deciding whether to begin a prevention or treatment program. Bone density measurement scans use low-dose radiation, less than one-tenth the radiation from a standard chest X-ray...and take only minutes to perform.

Can Osteoporosis be reversed? Yes! The scientifically tested protocols of the BStrong4Life System have been proven to increase strength, balance, bone-mineral density while improving an individual's overall quality of life.

BStrong4Life is the only program available that has the potential to help reverse the aging of your structure by strengthening your entire musculoskeletal system.  BStrong4Life Arlington at Health By Hands Wellness Center is the Bone Health Resource for Arlington and surrounding area.  

Amazingly, just once a week, a 20 minute session has the potential to increase your bone density, and may help to reverse the effects of osteoporosis, strengthen your spine, and improve your athletic performance! 
For more information that may help in reversing the effects of osteoporosis as well as strengthening your muscles, bones, and Health By Hands for Bone Health Treatment and Therapies with the Bstrong4Life System, Arlington, Texas! Clinic phone number: 817-930-0600. 

Friday, August 23, 2013

Say Goodbye to Gluten: Over 200 Clinically Confirmed Reasons to Avoid Wheat

By: PF Louis, NaturalNews
This title is the same as a recent GreenMedInfo. com. It contains a list of over 200 health problems, with celiac disease at the top and including many more not normally associated with gluten intolerance.

The author and founder of, Sayer Ji, prefers the term gluten toxicity to gluten sensitivity or gluten intolerance... "in order to shift the focus away from the victim back to the aggressor, the gluten itself."

Sayer Ji's article lists all the disorders linked to gluten. They are hyperlinked to articles and abstracts of clinical studies recorded in MedLine since 1971.   
Explaining the attack on wheat and other grains 
Negative reports on wheat and other grains have risen considerably in the past decade. The dramatic rise of celiac disease, a chronic gut inflammation that destroys intestinal villi (tiny tubes) responsible for absorbing nutrients, has been a major focus.
The gluten toxicity that brings on Celiac disease and other autoimmune reactions is mostly from peptides contained in gluten known as gliadin proteins, which damage the intestinal tract.

In addition to Celiac disease, which if undetected leads to malnutrition that creates other diseases, gluten toxicity can result in several other manifestations of poor health, including chronic fatigue and mental disorders.

Lectins, sticky proteins common to all plants for self defense, are a prominent feature of wheat germ agglutinin (WGA). In addition to flattening out intestinal villi and causing Celiac, they can penetrate gut linings and create leaky gut.

Once lectins get into the blood stream, they can bind to leptin receptors, blocking the leptin sensitivity that lets you know you've had enough to eat, creating a sluggish metabolism, and disrupting insulin balance. In other words, it leads to obesity and diabetes.

So how did the "staff of life" become a week of disease?

This situation has permeated almost all nations. There are some exceptions; for instance, most of Europe doesn't permit chemically bleaching flour to produce white bread. They use sunlight to "bleach" wheat.

For starters,
wheat is not the same today. It has been hybrid over time to resist fungus, grow more quickly, and be more pliable for industrial bread baking. 50 years or so ago, wheat contained only five percent gluten. Today, it is 50 percent gluten.

The food industry's concern for production efficiency and perception of consumer demands has focused on the bottom line with the usual disregard to the negative health consequences of fellow humans. Breads and other baked goods are hastily produced with additives and short cuts that are actually toxic.

In the UK, some of Europe, and North America, slightly different high speed methods of baking evolved over time. By adding "improvers" with usually toxic additives and mixing the dough violently, loaves of bread could be baked, cooled, and packaged within a few short hours.

Agricultural resources then sped up the hybrid process for wheat to accommodate the baking industry's mechanical requirements of pliable proteins, leading to the 10-fold increase of wheat's gluten since that time.      
Having your cake and eating it too 
Not all of us are prepared to go strictly Paleo and exclude all grains and legumes. Some of us still prefer not to eat animals, and if the food supply bottom falls out, many aren't ready and able to kill and skin deer or other animals to survive.

Grains such as rice and dried legumes are easy to hoard and use for survival if the store shelves become empty overnight. The common concern for rice and legumes is phytates or phytic acid, which can block minerals from being absorbed in our bodies.

Overnight soaking, a prerequisite for cooking dry beans, has been known to minimize phytates, or phytic acid. Rice can be soaked overnight as well. The process of cooking itself reduces phytic acid.

Using sprouted wheat flour can ameliorate some of WGA's toxicity. Baking with sourdough starters instead of normal baker's yeast can help also, while combining both may be optimum ( It appears Whole Foods bakery does so.

Wheat's gluten toxicity is reduced by sourdough starters properly fermented for 24 hours or more. A University of Alberta Canadian cereal microbiologist, Michael Gaenzle, suggests that sourdough bread, homemade or from a trusted bakery, may be at least a solution for gluten toxicity.

He referred to a study where recovered Celiac patients suffered no consequences from eating fermented (sourdough) wheat bread for two days. Those who ate regularly produced wheat bread did have a relapse.

The demand for continuing at least a partial grain diet safely has inspired one company, Vitamin Research Products to offer a natural supplement called Lectin Lock, which they claim will help reduce WGA gummy lectins.

Chronic health issues may or may not be from WGA toxicity. Katherine Czapp, whose WATF article is linked below, suggests testing for Celiac disease with Enerolab. (

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Revealing the Deadly Secrets of Statin Drugs

How to protect your heart without damaging your body

Like most Americans, you're probably doing all you can to keep you cholesterol levels in a healthy range. Taking action is fundamental to preventing heart disease, the leading cause of death in the U.S. Last year alone, Americans spent over $34 billion on cholesterol lowering statin drugs, and doctors wrote over 200 million prescriptions on brands like Vytorin, Lipitor and Crestor!

The Unspoken Dangers of Statin Drugs
Statins, which are now considered the best-sellling drugs of all time, are "the golden child" for those big pharmaceutical companies. But, that doesn't mean these drugs are your best option for cholesterol control, or that they don't have serious side effects. Statins work by blocking production of cholesterol, but they also deplete levels of CoQ10, which your body needs for energy production, particularly in heart cells. Unfortunately, many doctors fail to recommend taking supplemental CoQ10 along with statins.  Research is uncovering other serious effects such as memory loss, headaches, and difficulty sleeping.

Know the Danger Signs of Statin Drugs:
  • Muscle pain and weakness
  • Numbness and nerve damage
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Shortness of breath
  • Confusion problems
  • Depression and hostility
  • Sexual Dysfunction
  • Heart Failure
However, what's extremely scary, and rarely discussed, is that statins can actually kill. As USA Today reported, "Statins have killed and injured more people than the government has acknowledged."  What's just as troubling, is that most people are unaware that there is a safe, natural way to maintain healthy cholesterol levels without the risks associated with statins.  
A Page Right Out of Big Pharma's Playbook
Several years ago, a large drug company tried to put an end to sales of a supplement called Red Yeast Rice, a natural heart remedy used in Asia for hundreds of years. Studies were beginning to show that Red Yeast Rice could safely and effectively balance cholesterol levels with no side effects and with long term benefits.  This drug company was terrified they would lose their lucrative hold on the cholesterol-lowering drug market if word got out that there was a safe, natural alternative to their side effect-laden drug! A firestorm of controversy ensued, but Big Pharma's strategy failed this time...they were unable to get the FDA to enact a ban on Red Yeast Rice.  
Red Yeast Rice: The Solution Doctor's Don't Know About Big Pharma doesn't want you to know this, and your doctor may be completely unaware, but research has unequivocally proven Red Yeast Rice can help you achieve optimal cholesterol levels with no side effects. In fact, this has been proven in hundreds of clinical studies published in prestigious medical journals, such as the AMA of Internal Medicine and the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. In addition to reducing "bad" LDL cholesterol levels, studies have shown Red Yeast Rice can even improve "good" HDL, cholesterol levels. Best of all, unlike statins, you don't need to take Red Yeast Rice for the rest of your life, as you get long term benefits, even if you stop taking it, plus it's been proven to be very safe.  
Buyer Beware: Not All Red Yeast Rice Is Equal
It's important that you choose a product made with organic Red Yeast Rice, to ensure that it is of the highest quality, and that it has been processed to remove citrinin, a potentially toxic byproduct of the fermentation process. Purchasing low quality Red Yeast Rice may actually cause more harm than good, and you don't want to cut corners when it comes to heart health! Choose a supplement that is made in the USA and contains a clinically effective dose of 1,200 mg of pure, organic Red Yeast Rice.
How To Get the Most Out of Red Yeast Rice 
According to Stop Aging Now, an authority on natural heart health, Red Yeast Rice is most effective when it is combined with 3 synergistic ingredients. The most essential of these is CoQ10, which is absolutely critical for a strong and properly functioning heart. Also important are Resveratrol, a powerful heart-protecting antioxidant and standardized pine bark extract, which enhance the cholesterol balancing effects of Red Yeast Rice for optimal heart health.  
Helping Thousands Balance Cholesterol Naturally
Stop Aging Now has developed a breakthrough Red Yeast Rice formula, called RED-Q10, which contains 1,200 mg of organic Red Yeast Rice and 3 synergistic ingredients that have been proven in clinical research to provide exceptional protection for your heart; 100 mg of CoQ10, plus standardized Trans-Resveratrol and pine bark extract.  According to experts, RED-Q10 provides comprehensive cardiovascular support unmatched by any other formula. 
 (These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent disease). 

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

Seven Herbs that Deter Flies Naturally

Herbs seem to work best if they are moved around once in awhile. It brings the oils to the surface of the leaves and releases more of what it is that the pests don't like. Just brushing against a growing plant or stirring up the leaves of a dried one should do it.

You can grow bay outside in the summer, but you will need to bring it indoors during the winter months. You can always buy dried bay leaf at the store if you find you are unable to grow it; the dried variety that you put in stews and soups works as well as the fresh for keeping pests away. You can put one bay leaf in fifty pounds of wheat berries or organic white flour and it will keep the weevils out of it. If you do not happen to buy flour in those quantities you can add a bay leaf to a smaller sized container with similar results. Other items that it will protect are: barley, cornmeal, oatmeal, quinoa, and rice.Most cereal products will be just fine for months with the bay leaves to protect them. Scatter a few leaves on the pantry shelves to repel moths, roaches, earwigs, and mice. Flies seem to hate the smell of bay leaves too. Who knew they had such sensitive olfactory (sense of smell) nerves?
There are about a million kinds of basil with new varieties being introduced all the time. Basil is a beautiful fragrant plant that grows easily in most climates. It even tolerates the dry Texas heat pretty well.  Most people know fresh basil is delicious in pesto, tomato based dishes, and salads; but, did you also know that it is one of the best ways to keep flies out of your house? Just plant basil next to the doors, use as a foundation planting mixed in with your flowers, or plant in containers...The flies will stay far away.
You can grow basil in containers by your picnic table or on your patio and cut a nice size bunch of it to decorate the blanket with when you go to a remote picnic spot. As an added bonus, mosquitoes don't like it either. Choose your favorite, all the basil that I have tried works equally as well.

Lavender smells wonderful and if you have never used lavender buds in cooking you should give it a try. In small amounts it adds a wonderful floral and citrus flavor to baked goods, meats, and even vegetables. Lavender also repels moths, mosquitoes, and fleas.
  • Hang a bundle of it in your closet or lay a few sprigs of it in with the out of season clothes you are storing.
  • Grind it to a powder and sprinkle it on your pet's bedding.
  • Grow it in containers on your patio to repel mosquitoes.
  • Grow it in your kitchen garden to keep rabbits out of your lettuce and spinach
Mint, catnip, and pennyroyal planted around the foundation of your house can keep both ants and mice out of your home. Neither of these pests seem to like the smell and all but the most determined will head to a better smelling yard. You can also place shallow bowls of the dried mint leaves in your pantry to discourage mice. Pennyroyal is also repugnant to fleas, ants, flies, and mosquitoes. Just be careful of it because large amounts of pennyroyal can be toxic to pets and children. You can place dried pennyroyal on your pantry shelves and it will keep ants away. Just a quick warning about mice. They love anise. Keep anise in jars or it will draw mice to your pantry no matter how much mint you have out! You can use anise to bait live traps with excellent results.

Rosemary is one of my favorite herbs, not only for cooking and grilling but because it has a number of uses medicinally and as a household herb. As it grows it repels mosquitoes. Try planting it around your patio or any area that you use in the evenings to keep the air smelling fresh and the mosquitoes on someone else's property. Rosemary also repels cats, so planting it around the kids sandbox is a good idea. You can use rosemary springs under the cushions to keep the cats off the furniture but beware - the oils in the rosemary can stain the cushions. Be sure they are the one sided type.
This herb has long been used to deter carpet beetles and moths. Just lay it beneath wool carpets (or other types). It may also deter ants. An added benefit is that it releases a sweet scent when you walk across your rugs.
Tansy is another little known herb that repels flies, ants, fleas, moths, and mice. Its flowers resemble marigolds or yellow Bachelor's Buttons and it makes a great foundation planting. Tansy was traditionally used by churches as a strewing herb (spread and scattered loosely around the grounds) in the Middle Ages. Herbs were the original household cleaners, disinfectants, and bug repellents. They had been used for thousands of years with good results before humankind came up with toxic chemicals in a can. These herbs are not only better for the environment; they actually improve the environment. Herbs continue to work for you when you have finished with them and discarded them to the compost heap. They enrich the soil, add nutrients, and some (like Valerian) attract beneficial earthworms. Next time you are tempted to reach for the fly spray, reach for the basil or bay leaf instead. 
For those of us with barns and corrals you can utilize the most effective, safe, and natural fly killer from the chief fly guy, Tom Spaldling; click for more amazing information:  Spalding Fly Predators!  
(Article, 7 Herbs that deter flies naturally, from Marye Audet, Planet Green, 2012, TLC Discovery Communications online)

Monday, June 10, 2013

Sugar Consumption a "Public Health Crisis" Aggravated by GM Sugar Beets

By Carolanne Wright
Sugar is exceptionally toxic and leads to heart disease, metabolic syndrome, and cancer -- it can even be equated with addictive drugs like cocaine, according to prominent medical experts. Add to this the fact that genetically modified (GM) sugar beets now dominate the U.S. market, a healthy future certainly looks bleak. Not only are Americans dealing with the negative effects of consuming elephantine amounts of sugar, but now the health dangers of genetically modified organisms through Roundup Ready sugar beets are in the mix.
A hidden public health crisis 
As a specialist in pediatric hormone disorders and the leading expert in childhood obesity at the University of California School of Medicine in San Francisco, Robert Lustig is on a mission to educate the masses about the dangers of refined sugar. "Sugar is not just an empty calorie, its effect on us is much more insidious. It has nothing to do with the calories. It's a poison by itself," declares Lustig. He is clear about the definition of sugar -- it doesn't matter whether it is high-fructose corn syrup, white or brown, from beets or cane. To Lustig; it is all the same, causing metabolic disorders like Type 2 diabetes, and obesity along with cancer and heart disease.  
He believes that the American lifestyle with its high sugar consumption is killing us. "Ultimately, this is a public health crisis, and when there's a public health crisis you have to do big things and you have to do them across the board. Tobacco and alcohol are perfect examples ... I think that sugar belongs in this exact same wastebasket," said Lustig in a 60 Minutes interview. To make matters worse, refined sugar is highly addictive -- compared to cocaine by many in the health industry due to the mechanism of triggering pleasure centers in the brain when consumed.

Lewis Cantley, director of the Cancer Center at Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center is convinced that 80 percent of all cancers are driven by the effect of insulin on tumor cells. Sugar consumption can lead to insulin resistance which causes the pancreas to secrete excess insulin. Researchers have found that insulin along with a hormone known as insulin-like growth factor, encourage tumor growth.
More dangers ahead with GM sugar beets 
The USDA recently deemed that genetically modified sugar beets are 'safe' and deregulated the crop. Since 2008, a lawsuit has been raging between the agency and groups like the Center for Food Safety, Organic Seed Alliance and the Sierra Club about the safety of GM sugar beets. Now, thanks to the USDA, sugar from the beets can spread unhindered throughout the food supply, contaminating everything within reach. Almost 95 percent of U.S. sugar beets come from GM seeds -- an amazing feat considering they were only approved for planting in 2005. Sugar beets comprise over 50 percent of U.S. sugar production while the rest comes from sugar cane.

GM crops have been shown to increase the likelihood of cancer, changes in major organs and the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reactions, infertility and accelerated aging. GM sugar appears to be a major avenue for the development of disease when the sheer quantities the average American consumes, an astonishing 130 pounds a year, is taken into account.

Many are beginning to see the connection with a high sugar diet and disease -- prompting individuals to avoid it as much as possible. Cantley sums it up in this way: "Sugar scares me." Now, with the widespread use of genetically modified sugar beets, the hazards of sugar are even more disturbing.
From Natural News, October 2012.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Five Indulgences that Boost Self-Control

By Kelly McGonigal, PHD

Scientists have discovered that willpower is like a muscle that gets tired from exercise.
Our self- control gets sapped by decisions,
distractions, and stress. But anything that reduces stress, boosts mood, or recharges energy can help restore spent willpower.  Treat these "temptations" listed below as strategic indulgences:

Reality Television
Willpower is contagious, research suggests. Since many reality shows feature people overcoming obstacles as they lose weight, face their fears, or organize their clutter, you can "catch" extra self-control just by watching someone else pursue a goal.
The brain uses energy for willpower. When blood sugar drops, your brain is less able to concentrate, so a small nibble can nudge the brain back into self-control mode. Eat protein or fiber for sustained willpower without post-snack regret.  
Afternoon Nap
Willpower is often highest in the morning, when the brain is refreshed by sleep. When you're tired, it's harder to control impulses. A short power nap...which reduces stress and improves mood, can dial back the usual willpower drain.  
It's okay to get sucked into a few minutes of piano-playing kittens. Research shows that a funny video restores depleted willpower and can help you get back on track with difficult tasks. 
Caffeine gets a bad rap for  causing energy crasher, but in reasonable doses, it can reduce stress. Studies show that small amounts of caffeine can balance the autonomic nervous system, making you calmer and more alert at the same time...perfect for resisting temptation.  
From: Psychology Today 

Monday, May 27, 2013

How Many 92 Year Old People can Actually Do What Mr. Hank Does?

Interview with Mr. Hank who says, "I am going on 93 in August and now matching what I was doing at 80!"     

Mr. Hank Merbler says that since he has been receiving treatments from Dr. Kathi, he is just as flexible as he has ever been. At first he was hesitant about going and wondered what this chiropractor was like. He knew that most chiros were just bone crackers; but, because he now listens to his sons and trusts their judgment, he kept the appointment. He stated, "She really didn't lay a hand on was such a pleasure." Mr. Hank says that he really likes the Bstrong4Life ® therapy because it vibrates and is so easy to do, very effective, and even helped to improve his favorite 

After his 5th treatment Mr. Hank went to play golf with his friends, just as he does every week. But this week something was very different. Even though he is the oldest in the group of four golfers, Mr. Hank's score was improving by 3 to 10 strokes! They all made comments to Mr. Hank such as "What the heck you been doing?" "What?...are you drinking something?" "We want some of that!" "How are you doing this?"

Well, Mr. Hank has been singing the praises of Dr. Kathi ever since. He also explained how he used to work up a sweat just putting his shoes and socks on and sometimes needed help buttoning his shirt as it took him 2 minutes per button.  Moreover, at night he had to wear a sleeping cuff on his left hand to keep his hand and fingers from falling asleep. He happily says, "Now, I don't have to wear that cuff anymore and there has been great improvement with buttoning my shirt and putting on my shoes and socks!"

He also said that he is the most active person out of the 140 people who live at the assisted-living residence where he resides.  He said, "I feel very blessed and I have always wanted to help other people."

He has a genuine heart for people and even as I write this article, I can still hear the tenderness in his voice and the precise expression and intent of every word he spoke for this interview. I find it extremely encouraging that a man of his age is thinking of others and actually ventures out on Sunday mornings to deliver communion at the Arlington Memorial Hospital and sadly, oftentimes in the Hospice area. He says, "Sometimes it's the little bit that you do for others that makes the difference; and it takes time and effort which is the biggest consumer." He added softly, "That's how I want to be remembered...helping other people."

I found his life to be as interesting as it is gracious. Mr. Hank explained that when he was only 10 years old he started intensely playing baseball. In high school he was the #1 pitcher; and then played for the Heavy Semi-pro, New Jersey Iroquois Indians from 1937-1940. He pitched 9 endings and made $11. He explained that the games were viewed by 2,000 to 3,000 people and they all sat on the grassy slopes around the baseball field. No one was charged a fee to watch the game, so the ladies would gather up donations in hats.  Unfortunately, in the process of learning to throw the knuckle ball, Mr. Hank ruined his arm and could not pursue a major league baseball career as he had hoped. 

With his lifelong dream deemed impossible, he began looking into college; however, the travel would be too much and there weren't any available jobs in the area of the college at that time.  This would lead him to go to the Casey Jones School of Aeronautics, Newark, N.J., known today as the Academy of Aeronautics, LaGuardia Field, N.Y.  Mr. Hank started classes with 60 students and only 14 graduated.  He graduated with Associates in Aeronautical Engineering and took a job at Vought-Sikorsky, Stratford, Connecticut in 1941.  Shortly after that he met and  married Beatrice in 1942; they were married 65 years.  

Mr. Hank was in Design Engineering and on the design team of the F4U-1 Corsair. He also did liaison work with the Marines at Cherry Point, N.C.  When the airplanes were finished and delivered to the Marines, if they had a problem with it they called the company and Mr. Hank went to solve it. So at only 25 years old, he was fearless and knew he could fix it, no matter what. "If there was a problem with a customer's product, you fixed it here and now," explained Mr. Hank.  He also said, he thought that he had more guts than brains as he would arrive on the Marine base saying, "Here I am!"  Colonels and Lieutenants would just look at him and say, "So what are you going to do for me?"  Mr. Hank's reply, "Always find the solution to your problem!"  Which made him look really good, because he actually did find the solution; however, he gives the credit to his company team (behind the scenes) that really made it happen. Yet, Mr. Hank never failed to amaze the Marine Commanders, as they always wanted to know how and what he did to solve the problems they encountered with the planes.

To this day Mr. Hank is still involved with airplanes along with a team of 50 others (40 men and 10 women) have restored 9 planes. One of which is the V-173 Pancake (click and take a look...really cool!) which is now in the Frontiers of Flight Museum in Love Field, Dallas, Texas. It took 25,000 hours to restore the Pancake, usually 15,000 hours is the norm.  Additionally, at the encouragement from North American Vought Division and Margo Parker, V.P., Human Relations, Mr. Hank also developed a retirement club.  The club is the Vought Aircraft Heritage Foundation, which started out with 100 members and grew to over 5,000 members nationwide. The club has two purposes, 1) restore airplanes, 2) document our heritage on the web site (; additionally, Mr. Hank is the CEO and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Vought Aircraft Heritage Foundation a 501 [c][3] non-profit corporation.

Also see an amazing story with photos from Vought website:

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

How Much Sunshine is Too Much?

Summertime Fun in the Sun  
Rest and Relaxation istockphoto
Never stay in the sun long enough to burn your skin. At the beginning of the summer season limit your sun exposure to 5-10 minutes a day. Then increase your time in the sun progressively and in a few  weeks you will be able to have normal sun exposure with little risk of skin cancer. The most harmful times to be out in the sun is between 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM. If you are out during this time, stay in the shade, under an umbrella, or wear a wide brim hat and lightweight clothing covering arms and legs.

Sunblock does not stop skin cancer. Sunscreen is a toxic chemical that can cause problems in your system and increase your risk of disease.  Researchers have found that sunscreens with the highest protection factor of 35, applied in correct amounts, were not effective in filtering out harmful UVA rays.  read on... Suncream is no Protection against Skin Cancer; Guardian    

Furthermore, sunblock actually blocks your skins ability to make vitamin D by up to 95%. Vitamin D is essential in optimizing your immune function. read on... Up to 70% of Americans may be Deficient in Vit D; John Jacob Cannell, M.D.  

 What does prevent skin cancer?
The National Academy of Science (2001), published a review showing that the omega 6:3 ratio was the key to preventing skin cancer. The ideal ratio for omega-6 to omega-3 in our diet should be 1:1. That is not happening in the American diet, it is flooded with omega-6 fats through the vast amount of oils, such as, corn, soy, safflower, and sunflower. This influx of omega-6 fats into our diet has tilted the scales, yielding a ratio average of 20:1 - 50:1 and that's far from the desired 1:1 ratio. 

Both omega-6 and omega-3 fats are essential to our health. However, we should limit omega-6 in our diet and increase our intake of animal-based omega-3. Omega-3 is found in fish oil, cod-liver oil, krill oil, and salmon oil. Be sure to take only the purest form of these oils.

In addtion, consuming various whole vegetables actually increases antioxidant levels in your body, which provides protection against any sun-induced radiation damage.
 Enjoy your summertime fun in the sun...and be safe!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Vaccine Bombshell: Leaked Confidential Document Exposes 36 Infants Dead After This Vaccine

By Christina England, Contributor Activist Post 

A confidential GlaxoSmithKline document recently leaked to the press exposed that within a two-year period, a total of 36 infants died after receiving the 6-in-1 vaccine, Infanrix Hexa.  

According to the website Initiative Citoyenne, who reported the news, the 1,271 page document revealed that GlaxoSmithKline received a total of 1,742 reports of adverse reactions between October 23, 2009, and October 22, 2011, including 503 serious adverse reactions and 36 deaths.

Initiative Citoyenne stated:
It's not that 14 deaths were recorded by GSK between October 2009 and end in October 2011 as we had originally calculated but 36 (14 from 2010 to 2011 and 22 from 2009 to 2010). In addition to these 36 deaths at least 37 other deaths (sudden death mainly), bringing the total to at least 73 deaths since the launch of the vaccine in 2000, and again, this concerns only the death by sudden death, no further recovery of under-reporting.

 Using the figure of 36 deaths over a two-year period, this averages 1.5 deaths per month, which by anyone's standard is extremely high. Note that only 1 to 10% of adverse reactions to vaccines are actually reported. Therefore, in reality, the problem could potentially be far more serious and the actual number of fatalities much higher.
The Deadly Chemical Cocktail
The charts show that many of the babies who died passed away within the first few days of receiving the vaccine. A total of three infants were reported to have died within hours of receiving the vaccine.

This tragedy is hardly surprising given the vaccine's ingredients listed on the GSK Infanrix Hexa product information leaflet, which parents are rarely given the chance to read prior to vaccination, including non-infectious substances from tetanus, diphtheria bacteria, purified proteins of pertussis bacteria, the surface protein of the hepatitis B virus (HBsAg, derived from genetically engineered yeast cells) and inactivated poliovirus. Each 0.5mL dose contains:
  • diphtheria toxoid
  • tetanus toxoid
  • pertussis toxoid
  • filamentous haemagglutinin
  • pertactin
  • recombinant HBsAg protein
  • poliovirus Type 1
  • poliovirus Type 2
  • poliovirus Type 3
  • purified capsular polysaccharide of Hib covalently bound to tetanus toxoid
  • aluminium hydroxide
  • aluminium phosphate
  • 2-phenoxyethanol, lactose
  • Medium 199
  • neomycin
  • polymyxin
  • polysorbate 80
  • polysorbate 20
  • sodium chloride
  • water
Additionally, in an interesting article by Dr. Harold Buttram titled The Ultimate Gamble: Do Childhood Vaccines Result in Genetic Hybridization from Alien Human and Animal DNA Contents? he highlighted the problems associated with just two of these ingredients, including aluminum, which is a neurotoxin associated with Alzheimer's disease and seizures, and formaldehyde, which is a known cancer-causing agent commonly used to embalm corpses. Dr. Harold Buttram also stated: "It is universally recognized among toxicologists that combinations of toxic chemicals may bring exponential increases in toxicity; that is, two toxic chemicals in combination will bring a ten-fold or even a hundred-fold increase in toxicity."    

A classical example of this principle was the Schubert study in which it was found that the amount of lead and the amount of mercury, when each was given separately, would be lethal for one percent of rats tested, would become lethal for one hundred percent of rats tested when combined.

In vaccines this principle would apply at least to mercury and aluminum, both of which are potent neurotoxins.

Considering this information, is it any wonder that babies are dying after receiving vaccinations containing these ingredients? GlaxoSmithKline may try and hide the facts from us but they cannot hide them forever. Infanrix Hexa should be removed from the market immediately.

About the author: Christina was born and educated in London, U.K. She left school to work in a children's library, specializing in story-telling and book buying. In 1978 Christina changed her career path to dedicate her time to caring for the elderly and was awarded the title of Care Giver of the Year for her work with the elderly in 1980. In1990 she adopted the first of two disabled boys, both with challenging behavior, complex disabilities and medical needs. In 1999 she was accused of Munchausen by Proxy after many failed attempts to get the boys' complex needs met. Finally, she was cleared of all accusations after the independent psychologist Lisa Blakemore-Brown gave both boys the diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder and ADHD as part of what she described to be a complex tapestry of disorders. During the assessments Ms Blakemore-Brown discovered through the foster care diaries that the eldest boy had reacted adversely to the MMR vaccine. After taking an A Level in Psychology and a BTEC in Learning Disabilities Ms. England spent many years researching vaccines and adverse reactions. She went on to gain a Higher National Diploma in journalism and media and currently writes for the American Chronicle, the Weekly Blitz, VacTruth and Namaste Publishing UK on immunization safety and efficacy whilst continuing to study for a BA Honors degree in English Literature and Humanities. England's main areas of expertise are researching false allegations of child abuse and adverse reactions to vaccines. Her work is read internationally and has been translated into many languages. Ms England has been a guest on many radio shows and has spoken at seminars worldwide. She is the co author to the book  Shaken Baby Syndrome or Vaccine Induced Encephalitis - Are Parents Being Falsely Accused? with Dr. Harold Buttram.

Monday, April 22, 2013

How Do You Know if Your Fish Oil Supplement is Rancid, Spoiled or Contaminated?

Fish Oil Supplements

A test was conducted by an independent testing agency, namely, Consumers Labs (CL) regarding 54 fish oil products and as far as purity goes, all supplements were found to contain at least trace levels of PCBs, and some had lead. However, all products, except one, did not exceed contamination "limits" set by the EPA. Therefore, if a fish oil supplement claims to be "free of," "void of," or have "no detectable PCBs," they might not be being truthful. 

None of the products tested by CL contained mercury levels over 10 ppb (parts per billion). By comparison, levels in fish range from 10 to 1,000 ppb, depending on the type.

 A common complaint of fish oil supplementation  is "fish burps" which occurs when you experience fishy reflux after taking certain fish oil supplements. Fish oil supplements that come back up on you are often spoiled, or rancid. While spoilage does not necessarily indicate lower amounts of omega-3s, it does indicate that the oils have gone from being healthful to being potentially harmful. Rancid, spoiled oils contain oxidized fats, called lipid peroxides.

The measurement of rancidity/spoilage is called the TOTOX value, meaning Total Oxidative value, and evaluates the content of peroxides. Rancid oils have high TOTOX values and high amounts of lipid peroxides. These oxidized fats (peroxides) start free radical cascades (the pathways of aging and disease) that can damage the fat containing membranes of your cells. They also deplete your body's stores of antioxidants, because this is how your body tries to defend itself from the free radicals.

Another problem identified by Consumer Labs in its investigation of fish oil supplements, is that some companies do not contain the amount of EPA and DHA stated on the label. This is also the case with other types of dietary supplements, and fish oils are not immune to this problem.

Concentrations of EPA and DHA in fish oil can vary as much as tenfold - from as little as 8% to 80% of the fish oil content. Concentration depends on what fish the oil came from, how the oil from the fish was processed, and other ingredients added to the product.

Also problematic were certain claims on supplements, which are not FDA-defined terms and, therefore, not regulated. Also, "Tested in FDA Approved Laboratories" is false, because the FDA does not approve any analytical labs, so these claims are not correct.

Some people think that if a little bit is good more is better; but that is not the case, especially with fish oils. Fish oils containing omega-3 fatty acids, work in the body like blood thinners and blood pressure reducers. They're also polyunsaturated fats, which are highly unstable and susceptible to oxidation.

Adults (usually those over 40) often make the mistake of taking too much fish oil along with blood thinners such as aspirin, or sometimes prescription thinners, like Coumadin. In these people, even the slightest cut can result in a bleeding event that takes several minutes to clot. In worse cases, internal bleeding can occur. Or, they take too much fish oil and end up with drastically low blood.

Excessive fish oil also may raise your blood level of polyunsaturates so high, that your cells become extremely susceptible to free radical damage. You see, your cell membranes need to contain a certain balance of unsaturated and saturated fatty acids for them to resist attack from dangerous free radicals. If your cells are mostly unsaturated from taking high doses of fish oil, you increase the chance that they can become damaged from oxidative stress, which increases your likelihood of cancer. One way to combat this pro-oxidative state is by taking very high doses of anti-oxidants, but a smarter move would be to take less fish oil.

According to omega-3 fatty acid experts, healthy individuals need only take up to 1 gram of EPA + DHA (combined) per day to achieve the multitude of health benefits. Individuals with heart disease, cognitive decline, or who consume a higher-fat diet, may benefit from additional doses of omega-3s.

Krill is the primary food source for certain whales;
only a small percentage of total krill biomass
is being harvested for human use.
Another way to get good doses of EPA and DHA is with krill oil. Krill oil comes from krill, which are tiny shrimp-like creatures that make up the lion's share of the oceanic biomass. 

The shrimp like krill may only be a couple of inches long, but they make up for it in numbers. So large is their collective weight, or "biomass," that it's measured in the billions of tons.
The EPA and DHA in krill oil are shown to be just as effective as those in fish oil - even despite the fact that krill oil contains less total EPA and DHA per gram.

Despite the term "krill oil," krill aren't oily at all, consisting of over 65% protein. The small amount of fat they do carry on their tiny lean frames is approximately 20% omega-3s, including plenty of EPA and DHA.  Another attractive feature with krill is their natural content of powerful antioxidants such as the carotenoid, astaxanthin, which is responsible for also giving salmon its bright red color.

Astaxanthin is a powerful antioxidant that is more effective than other natural antioxidants like beta-carotene, alpha-tocopherol, lycopene and lutein, which makes it even more beneficial for fighting diseases influenced by oxidative damage, like diabetes and heart disease.

Krill Are More Eco-Friendly
Since krill are quite low on the food chain compared to most other fish and seafood, they contain fewer environmental toxins. This means less risk of mercury, PCBs, dioxins, and other chemicals related to nervous system disorders, cancer and other diseases.

Their large biomass, furthermore, means that they can be harvested fairly easily with lower risk of depleting their populations. From this perspective, you could argue that the use of krill supplements is more "eco-friendly." An argument against krill use for their oil is that they're the primary food source for certain whales, seals, penguins, and other animals. Its harvesting has been a subject of environmental debate.   

In defense, the krill population is plentiful and only a small percentage of total krill biomass is being harvested, most of which is used in fish meal and not for direct human consumption. There are also catch limits for sustainable exploitation established by a conservation commission known as CCAMLR, and registration and monitoring is required of harvesting vessels. According to the CCAMLR, only 18% or less of the current krill allowable catch limit is used today. If the krill allowable catch reaches a certain threshold, all fishing must stop until the catch is reallocated. 

Also, only 2% of the total global catch of krill oil is used for supplements - the remaining 88% goes to feeding fish and fishing.

Excerpts from: What Your Doctor Never Told You About Fish Oil, Cassandra Forsythe-Pribanic, PhD, RD, CSCS, and Jayson Hunter, RD, CSCS

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Mesquitos and Safely Keeping Them at Bay

Repel mesquitos safely     
Most commercial insect repellents are made from DEET. The American Academy of Pediatrics advises against using repellents containing more than 10% DEET on kids under 6 years-old. DEET is a pesticide and has been associated with a variety of health problems ranging from dizziness to seizures, and children are especially susceptible.

Is there a safe insect repellant?

Dr. Mercola's Bug Spray is safe, smells pleasant, and it works! This amazing formula is made from natural ingredients that are non-toxic to you, your kids, and even your pets. Repels mosquitoes, fleas, chiggers, ticks, and other biting insects.

Click here for Dr. Mercola's safe Bug Spray

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

How do you protect your skin from the sun?

Healthy Sun Exposure Has Great Benefits

summer funWhen it comes to health and healing, Dr. Tom Bayne recommends that everyone spend at least 10 minutes in the sun per day (without sunscreen) as the best way to keep your serum vitamin D at optimum levels for good health.

While most experts are finally agreeing that sunshine has its health benefits, it's still vitally important to practice a healthy balance of sun exposure and sun protection.

So what do you do when beautiful weather arrives and you want to be outside all day? How do you protect your skin from the sun? These questions come up a lot because of the sunscreen controversy in natural health circles today. The thing is, most sunscreens on the market have toxic chemicals that are harmful to your health. And if you've been reading our newsletters and articles, we're certain you really care about creating your best health.

Choosing a good sunscreen is just as important as choosing good, healthy, toxin free foods. After all, your skin eats everything you put on it!

In fact, toxic chemicals from sunscreen absorb straight into your skin and ruin your health by disrupting your hormonal systems and increasing the production of free radicals.

Let's discuss skin protection for those times when you are in the sun for more than 40 minutes or there is a possibility of sunburn based on the intensity of the sunlight.

Top Sunscreen Ingredients to Avoid:
  • Spray or Powdered Suntan Lotion with Micronized and Nano-Scale Zinc Oxide and Titanium Oxide - Micronized and nano-scale zinc oxide and titanium dioxide in sunscreen provide strong UVA protection and while these ingredients have not been found to penetrate healthy skin, powder and spray products are often inhaled. You can actually inhale these small particles and they can potentially damage your lungs. European companies are already phasing out the use of these products.
  • Oxybenzone - a widely utilized ingredient that rates poorly due to high absorption through skin, high rates of allergic reactions, and growing concerns about hormone disruption. (Animal studies indicate oxybenzone has estrogenic effects. Numerous other studies have linked oxybenzone to hormone disruption, cell damage, and cancer.)
  • Fragrance - it is always best to avoid fragrances unless they are plant based. Unfortunately, a loophole in federal law doesn't require companies to declare any of the dozens of toxic chemicals that a single product's fragrance mixture could contain.
  • Parabens (Methylparaben, ethylparaben, butylparaben, Isoparaben, etc.) - a common preservative used in sunscreens. Parabens can mimic the hormone estrogen, and some studies show it plays a role in the development of breast cancer and urogenital abnormalities.
  • Octinoxate (Octyl Methoxycinnamate or OMC) - this common ingredient in sunscreens has estrogenic effects, causes disruption of thyroid hormone and brain signaling and reacts when exposed to sunlight.
  • Octisalate - a penetration enhancer that may increase the amount of other ingredients passing through the skin.
  • Avobenzone - an unstable ingredient that breaks down in to unknown chemicals in sunlight.
  • Octocrylene - produces free radicals in UV light, like sunlight.
  • Homosalate - a weak hormone disruptor that forms toxic metabolites.
  • Ensulizole (Phenylbenzimidazole Sulfonic Acid) - known to produce free radicals in sunlight, causes DNA damage and may cause cancer.
  • Padimate O (Octyl Dimethyl PABA / PABA Ester) - a paba derivative, releases free radicals, damages DNA, has estrogenic activity and causes allergic reactions in some people.
  • Menthyl Anthranilate - produces free radicals and has been banned in Europe and Japan.
Sun protection starts from the inside because what you eat can naturally protect your skin from the sun. Did you know you can eat yourself into healthier skin with two important elements.

Antioxidants: a diet rich in antioxidants, like vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, beta carotene, lycopene and selenium has been shown to protect your skin from sun damage. The reason for this is because antioxidants fight the free radicals from the sun's UV light. These free radicals contribute to cell damage, aging, and the risk of skin cancer. A study in 2007 showed that the antioxidants carotenoids and flavonoids can reduce skin sensitivity to the sun. If you want to get carotenoids, eat your carrots, kale, spinach, collard greens, sweet potatoes, papaya, and tomatoes. Flavonoids can be found in foods like apples, pears, berries, black beans, cabbage, and parsley.

Probiotics: live good bacteria, called probiotics, can contribute to skin health by enhancing your digestion (for example, you can eat antioxidants, but if you can't digest them well, you won't get their full benefits!) and reducing systemic inflammation.  A study published in 2010 found that a supplement containing probiotic and carotenoids reduced skin damage from UV light. Consuming probiotic foods, drinks and supplements have many benefits for your overall health!

So is diet alone good enough for sun protection? Well, it helps, but I also recommend choosing an all-natural sunscreen for added protection.

Choose Healthy, Natural Sunscreens. Here are some of my favorite all-natural sunscreens:

Zinc Oxide - a physical sun blocker similar to oxybenzone, but without the toxic side effects. [Dr. Mercola makes a SPF 30 safe sun exposure sunscreen with zinc oxide; see products]
Sun Defense Minerals by Emnence Organics - provides intense SPF 30 sun protection in the form of a make-up powder. The tinted powder is sweat-proof and water-resistant, hypoallergenic and anti-inflammatory. Plus it is naturally anti-bacterial and will not clog your pores. Eminence does a great job with sustainable packaging too for an extra bonus!   
Tomato Suntan Lotion (SPF 22) by Organic Skincare - filters the sun's harmful rays with tomato and other natural ingredients like sesame oil, carrot, aloe and titanium dioxide. The handpicked, organically grown ingredients are rich body beautifying and protecting antioxidants like lycopene, bioflavonoids, and carotenoids.

Antioxidant Sun Butter Level 18 Sunblock Cell Protection by ISun Organic Skincare - blends mango seed butter with zinc oxide and Phytoplankton Phytolyase enzymes into a butter that not only guards against sunburns, but also repairs damaged skin.
SPF 30+ Sunscreen No Fragrance by California Baby - this sunscreen isn't just for babies! California Baby is safe for sensitive skin, free of artificial scents, and has no irritating chemicals while still providing UVA-UVB broad-spectrum protection. California Baby is also very conscious to use earth friendly packaging.
For a worry-free summer, follow these 3 easy steps:
  1. Keep your skin sunscreen free for a short period (about 10 minutes), so you can keep your vitamin D levels healthy.
  2. Consume a probiotic and antioxidant-rich diet for good digestive health and UV light protection.
  3. Use a chemical free natural sunscreen to protect yourself when in the sun for longer periods.
And most of all, enjoy your summer outside!
Article information from: Dr. Tom Bayne, a chiropractor and international expert in digestive health and detoxification. His philosophy addresses the relationship between structure and function of the human body and how that translates into your best health!     

Monday, April 1, 2013

One Bite From the Highly Venomous Brown Recluse Spider Can Cause Serious Damage to Living Tissue

Brown Recluse
brwn recl resaved for cc
The Brown Recluse - color can vary from yellowish-tan to dark brown
The Brown Recluse spider is regarded by many as the most dangerous spider in the United States.  Brown Recluse Spider bites can occur at any time of the year---spring, summer, winter or fall. This is because they are a house spider and are not affected by the cold.

They like to hide during the day in clothes, shoes, boxes and other out of the way places where spider bites are most likely to occur through unintentional contact.  

Your home, with all its great hiding places, is a perfect environment to fit their "reclusive" nature.

Adult Brown Recluse spiders are yellowish-tan to dark brown. The most distinguishing mark on this spider is the presence of a dark brown or black violin or fiddle on its back with the violin's "neck" pointing toward the rear of its body. For this reason, they are Brown Recluse spiders called "violin spiders" or "fiddle-back spiders". Both male and female spiders are similar in appearance and are equally venomous. They are usually 1 inch or larger in size, including the legs. They can grow as large as almost 3 inches. Young spiders are smaller and somewhat lighter in color.

In just hours, one bite from the highly venomous Brown Recluse can cause serious damage to living tissue. Symptoms and secondary problems include:
  • Painful blisters and ulcer
  • Rash and swelling
  • Necrosis - death of tissue
  • Severe infections
  • Amputations
  • In rare cases...death
The root cause of the symptoms in a spider bite wound is the venom. It is the poisonous spider venom that kills the cells and causes such gruesome and painful sores. Drawing out the venom is the most important factor for starting the healing process and this is exactly what the Brown Recluse First Aid Kit (see below) was created to do. 

Studies have shown that Brown Recluse spiders are very tenacious and are very difficult to eliminate with pesticides unless sprayed directly on the spider. And because they (unlike other spiders) actually prefer to eat dead insects over living ones, use of pesticides actually give these spiders an abundance of great spider food.

According to Kansas University researchers and Pest Control companies, an effective means of controlling these spiders is placing the right kind of glue traps in key areas throughout the home.  If you aren't sure if you have Brown Recluse spiders in your home, placing the traps will tell you.  
A word from Dr. Kathi: I have used the Brown Recluse First Aid Kit several years ago, and I recommend it to many of my patients--everyone should have one on hand--it has never missed yet in clearing up Brown Recluse bites; additionally, the kit works on other insect bites and stings as well! 

Click image for more information
 and to order your kit
Click the First Aid Kit image shown to the left to order your very own Brown Recluse First Aid Kit to have on hand.