Sunday, July 26, 2015

Hank Merbler, Star Patient of Dr. Kathi Perry’s Chiropractic Care

 Article from Vought Retiree Club NEWS, April - June 2015 edition, Editor, Bob Bardo.

Mr. Hank Merbler, 94 years young, and going as strong as he was 20 years ago!

Health By Hands Wellness Center, put Hank Merbler in its online commercial, playing golf with his buddies on the golf course.  He attributes Dr. Kathi Perry's Chiropractic Care and Bstrong4Life® Program for maintaining his mobility and endurance so he can continue to play golf in his senior years.

Video of Hank testifying to his improved mobility, strength, and endurance --
Hank works out on a Power Plate®, which provides whole body vibration. The Power Plate® machine creates instability in the human body -- with each vibration, the body is forced to perform reflexive muscle actions, multiple times per second.

Also, these muscle actions must work in multiple dimensions, since the Power Plate® machines oscillate in all three planes, like the human body is designed to do. The net result is an improvement in force production, or strength and power.

Republished by permission Vought Retiree Club NEWS, Editor, Bob Bardo.

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

The Circle of Life

The great thing about blogging is that I can write about whatever I want, as God and Spirit moves me. Tonight, I am being prodded and nudged to write about the Circle of Life—from the cradle to the grave. It seems that there are many tired souls who are moving on to that place of being free from the tethers of painful bodies, worn out joints, broken hearts, and a general lack of quality of life.  Then there are those who are taken suddenly—in the morning sun, they played and laughed and smiled and at sunset they had left and gone to the place where there is always sunshine, never pain, and where they can be reunited with all of those who have gone to be free before them.  

Dr. Kathi & Karamia
I am grieving the losses of my good friends and pets and family—who have chosen this time of year to move on.  My mentor, Dr. Victor Frank of TBM (Total Body Modification),  my patients and friends—who I can’t name here because of HIPAA regulations (but you know who you are), my granddaughter, Daxie—who would have been 18 this year, and now, on January 1st, my beloved friend and pet, Karamia.   Kara, who was chasing kitties and loving life early on January 1, had a stomach torsion/colic and she was gone before the end of the day.  Kara used to be a daily fixture at the clinic—until she decided that small children were better for eating than tolerating. Honestly, I can sometimes see her point. (But it is usually because the kids don’t have enough discipline and boundaries.)  I have often observed that if everyone’s kids were as well-behaved as my dogs, the world would be a much more peaceful and loving place.  Animals like to know their boundaries and rules and so do kids… Just an observation.  Kara is now free to be at the clinic or chasing kitties or her red ball—forever.  Just as my human friends and families are now “free to move about the plane”—minus the pain of bodies that are worn out or the daily life traumas that bring pain on a mental and emotional level.

I think that it is a mean trick that God plays on us, when he gives us our beloved dogs and cats who only live 10-14 years on average. They are wonderful companion animals who teach us about “unconditional love.” Even if you are in a bad mood and ignore them, they still love you and want to be with you.  Parrots on the other hand—who have the potential to be “one person” birds and can be mean as a snake--they live freakin forever! You have to “will” your parrot to someone because they live to be over 75 years old!  I have several scars from my parrot (who did not die, but escaped out the door one day), but NO scars from any of my dogs—except on my heart when they moved on to be free forever.

And as the beloved depart, there are the babies that are born, growing, learning, teaching us about life and the possibilities yet to come. Wonderful things to look forward to…. Hope, Faith and Love—and the Greatest of these is LOVE.

None of us are getting out of here alive in the body we are inhabiting. That is one of the “true-isms” of spiritual beings living in physical bodies.  There are “Angels among us.” Pay close attention. You can hear them if you listen.  Thank You. Amen.